
Coloring Book to Promote Children’s Safety and SGBV Awareness

  • Malaisie


International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)


  • Increase refugee children’s understanding of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) and appropriate touching.


  • Help reduce, prevent and address SGBV among refugee children
  • Reinforce lessons learned by child refugees during the Children’s Safety Program’s (CSP) training in schools and primary learning centres
  • Ensure children understand what constitutes ‘good touching’, ‘bad touching’ and how they should do if someone touches them inappropriately.

Targeted population:

  • Burmese refugee children

Challenge addressed:

  • Lack of creative resources designed to help children better understanding SGBV
  • Refugee children’s lack of understanding of how to address being touched unsafely
  • Lack of Burmese language information available to children

Program description:

  • The Children’s Safety Program (CSP) works to reduce, prevent and address SGBV
  • To do this, CSP provides training to Burmese refugee children on SGBV awareness training in schools and primary learning centers
  • The coloring book is one of IDMC’s creative means of reinforcing the key messages of the CSP training
  • The coloring book is bi-lingual in English and Burmese
  • It reinforces the ‘touching rules’, which includes what a child should do if they have been touched unsafely, and four ways for children to say ‘No!’
  • It helps children understand the connection between their rights and responsibilities, such as their right to education and their responsibility to go to school
  • The coloring book also includes four images for children to color in while identifying if the pictures are examples of either ‘good touch’ or ‘bad touch’
  • The coloring book also includes details of the IDMC’s hotline phone number, which children can use to report an incident or gain more information

Impact on targeted population:

  • Increased child refugees knowledge about the dangers of SGBV and what they can do if they are at risk
  • Reinforce classroom-based learning in a creative and fun way
  • In 2015, IDMC provided personal safety training to 602 children

Conditions required:

  • Formal training for refugee children to be educated on SGBV issues
  • Artistic skills to produce the images to be colored
  • Translation skills to reproduce book in the relevant language(s) used by refugee children



IDMC – Preventing and addressing gender-based violence in Malaysia

Coloring Book [English and Burmese]


  • 3700

    réfugiés ont un meilleur accès à l’éducation et à des moyens de subsistance

  • 40

    pays dans lesquels nous avons des ONG partenaires

  • 490

    enfants ont accès à des cours de mathématiques, d’art, de langue et de sport

  • 700

    femmes peuvent maintenant subvenir aux besoins de leur famille

  • 650

    réfugiés ont accès à des informations clés pour leur sécurité


Nous avons déjà accompli beaucoup mais le chemin est encore long et nous ne pouvons pas le parcourir seuls. Soutenez les communautés de réfugiés qui en ont le plus besoin.

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