
Afghan Community Center: support des réfugiés Afghans en Malaysie


After fleeing years of violence and persecution, Afghan refugees are planting “seeds of peace,” and rebuilding their lives in Malaysia with the support of the Afghan Community Center (ACC).

Created in 2014, the ACC is led by eight community leaders and has grown to include over 140 families. Led by an elected Board of Directors, the ACC aims to foster lasting, positive change for the Afghan community in Malaysia by connecting people with affordable and safe housing, access to education and job opportunities, and, perhaps most importantly, fostering a sense of cultural unity and social support.

ACC leaders are focused on strengthening the capacity of the Afghan refugee community in Malaysia to protect, help and advocate for their own community.

Malaysia, like most other Southeast Asian countries, is not party to the UN Refugee Convention, which denies refugees official status in the country. Community-based organizations, including the ACC, play an integral role in providing security, a sense of community, and social services for refugees living in an unfamiliar land.

Despite these efforts, the Afghan community in Malaysia remains highly vulnerable and the ACC faces serious funding and capacity constraints.

The refugee journey is perilous, and the lives they make for themselves fragile. The ACC, and other community-based organizations serving refugees around the world, provide a foundation for refugees to be active agents in meeting their needs and aspirations.

If you are interested in learning more about the Afghan Community Center (ACC) in Malaysia, please contact URBAN REFUGEES at: contact[@]


  • 3700

    réfugiés ont un meilleur accès à l’éducation et à des moyens de subsistance

  • 40

    pays dans lesquels nous avons des ONG partenaires

  • 490

    enfants ont accès à des cours de mathématiques, d’art, de langue et de sport

  • 700

    femmes peuvent maintenant subvenir aux besoins de leur famille

  • 650

    réfugiés ont accès à des informations clés pour leur sécurité


Nous avons déjà accompli beaucoup mais le chemin est encore long et nous ne pouvons pas le parcourir seuls. Soutenez les communautés de réfugiés qui en ont le plus besoin.

Ils en parlent

Ils nous soutiennent